Monday: NEW Stick League.
Want to curl more but your hips and knees are keeping you away, we have a new Stick Curling league that should interest you. This new league will take place at 6:30 pm with 2-person teams, 6 ends, 6 stones, no switching ends, and no sweeping until the 2nd hog line. Slide and stick curlers are welcome to play this stick game, which is similar to shuffleboard. Sign up is required to participate.
Ladies League : Tuesdays 6:30pm
Girls just wanna have fun! Includes great food, fits of laughter, and some really good curling.
Men’s League : Wednesdays 6:30pm
The club turns into a man cave on Wednesdays – complete with cheap snacks, good beer, and a whole lotta competition.
Fun Fridays : Fridays 6:30pm
Fun and competitive. Teams are set, scores are kept, and awards are won. Bring it on.
Curling with Friends : Anytime ice is available
Curling with Friends is a drop-in opportunity for members to host a friend (or two) to try out curling during a non-competitive friendly game. Cost is $20 per session for non-members. Members looking for practice time are also encouraged to come out and help fill the sheets.
Doubles : Thursday Evening & Saturday Morning, See league schedule for times
Instead of teams of four, doubles curling is for two player teams.
Novice/Drop-In : Sundays 10:00am
Novice curling is a stress free opportunity for new curlers to learn more about all aspects of the game. This is a great opportunity to practice delivery and sweeping, to try all the positions, and to learn more about game play and strategy in a friendly and supportive environment. Equipment is provided.